Friday, November 21, 2008


"Trust Me, My child," He says.

"Trust Me with a fuller abandon than you ever have before.

Trust Me, as minute succeeds minutes, everyday of your life,

for as long as you live.

And if you become concious of anything hindering our relationship,

do not hurt Me by turning away from Me.

Draw all the closer to Me, come, run to me!

Allow Me to hide you, to protect you, even from yourself.

Tell Me your deepest cares, your every trouble.

Trust Me to keep My hand upon you

I will never leave you.

I will shape you, Mold you, and perfect you.

Do not fear, O Child of my love
do not fear.
I love you!"
Amy Charmicheal

Monday, November 17, 2008

Will We Keep Silent?

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for theselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy."
Proverds 31:8-9

Child trafficking! How awful!

How awful...

is that enough? To just say ..."how awful!"..and go back...

to our comfortable home...

our safe families...

our nice neighborhoods?



Wake up!!!!!

There are great evils in our world!

Great Needs!

And a great all sufficient God who is able and willing!

Don't bury your Carolyn McCulley Post...and ask God what you should do....

Monday, November 10, 2008

Quote of the Week

"God creates out of nothing.
Therefore until a man is nothing,
God can make nothing out of Him"
Martin Luther


This quote is from Nancy Leigh Demoss's book "Surrender"

For a Christian, waving the white flag doesn't mean,
I give up!
It means
Victory at last!

Sowing and Reaping Revised

Ok! Ok! So, now I'll do this so that EVERYONE can read it...and no one will...right?!

Sowing and reaping?

...without tears?


...without work...

transparent humility.

Lord God! Dearest Father! May the roof that keeps me from being open, honest and broken before you come off. But not only that...May the walls come down that keep me from being open, honest, and broken before others! May everything be stripped away...any high thing brought down...and may only Your glory remain!

In the biblical economy, the way up, is down. Yet so often I strive and struggle to exult myself!

I've been reading Nancy Leigh DeMoss's excellent book "Brokenness". I can not recommend it highly enough!

I can not being to express everything that I have been learning. I praise God for His faithfulness in continually drawing us deeper into Himself!

Jesus accused the pharisee's with these words from Matthew 15

"These people draw near to me with their mouths,
and honor Me with their lips,
But Their heart is far from Me
And in vain they worship Me."

What was the heart of these men's problem? Was it that they were sinners?

I would think not, as Jesus ate with the harlots and publicans.

What was the heart of their problem? Could it be...

their pride...


Pride that kept them from coming forward and saying....Its me! Me God! I'm a sinner!

Arrogance that kept them admitting their helplessness and utter dependence on God.

PRIDE and arrogance that kept ME from being broken....

and transparent!

And yet, in God's economy, only the broken heart can be the healed heart. The contrite spirit is the one NOT despised. The lowly find the high way. The weak find the strength. The transparent find the reality. As the fakery comes off and the chisel can begin shaping the reality to reflect His glory!

James 4:8-10 pretty much hits the nail on the head.

As Nancy so well said, "We want to lift ourselves up. He says, "No, humble yourself, and I will lift you up."

So what does brokenness have to do with sowing and reaping?t says that those who sow in tears will reap with joy.

Could these be tears of brokenness? Hardship? Pain? Sorrow?

What are you sowing? Humility? Pride? Selfishness?

The words from Gala 6:7 struck me through my heart.

"...whatever one sows, that will he also reap..."

Carolyn McCulley says, "Every action and thought is dipping into one bag of seed or another -all of which will one day produce an inevitable harvest."

Boy! The battle for the mind! That is huge. at least for me! Oh! How often do I dwell on vain imagination! Seeds of vain imaginations only produce vain, empty, valueless, nothingness!

But OH! OH!

How I long to be real!
And think on what is real!
And live in what is real!

And sow REAL the reality of the Kingdom of heaven and in my life and the lives around me!

God! Make me real! Make me humble! Make me...full yours, heart, soul, AND mind!