Tuesday, October 30, 2007

His Ways

"Show me thy ways oh Lord;Teach me thy paths."
Psalm 25:4

What do you think of when you read "His ways"? Is it being obedient? Following Him? Keeping the precepts? What are "His ways"?

I personally had always thought on it as being following Him. Meaning, doing what was right. But recently as a dear sister was sharing with me her hearts pray to know His ways, I caught a glimps of the depths of what that cry meant to her. And it excited me!

His way....His way of being....His way of dealing with us....His way of acting. His very being!

The Hebrew word in this verse is H1870 in the Strong's concordance. It means: a road (as trodden); fig. a course of life or a mode of action.

The word for "thy paths" is H732; a well trodden road - manner

A mode of action.

A manner

What is our God's mode of action? What is His manner of doing things? What are His attributes?

Certainly we learn mentally a lot of this from scripture. Even Psalm 25 goes on to teach us what "God's way" is. Verse 10 says they are mercy and truth.

In verses 8 and 9 we see that God's way is something that must be learned and He will teach it to sinners and the meek. Interesting combination! We all are most definitely the first. I believe He can grant unto us the second!

In Is 55:8 we learn that His way is far above our own. Same Hebrew word.

We cannot learn how He does things by going about it our own way, because His way of operating is far above where our way can take us.

So how do we learn His way? How do you learn about your brother or sister? You have a relationship with them.
If we want to know the way that our God operates and deals with us, we must walk with Him on a daily moment by moment basis.
I know that the thoughts on this page are not complete. But I think there is enough here to start your own thought process going to learn even more!
Blessings to you all!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Unto the Least of These

Last night we had an impromptu foot washing ceremony. It was so precious!

As one of the women knelt before another woman and began to wash her feet, I saw how clearly we were only vessels administering God's loving touch and service to her.

It continued as one after another we knelt before our brethren to wash their feet. Oh! The depths of the humility of Christ! I'd never fully appreciated it before this very tangible experience of His love and humility for each person! I continued to feel strongly that we were only the vessels by which Christ was washing these folks feet!

And then, it was my turn. My turn to kneel before my precious sister and wash her feet. There was a slight change in my mode. Instead of just being a vessel....I had a picture come to mind of the woman who fell before Jesus and washed his feet with her hair and tears.

I looked at the dear feet before me, and I realized they were a member of the body of Christ. They were an extension of my Master!

Yes! I was a vessel for Him, and yet in reality I was also ministering and performing this service directly for my Master, because -

"...Verily I say unto you,
inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren,
ye have done it unto me."
Matthew 25:40b

Friday, October 26, 2007

A Special Passage

"Sing, O Heavens; and be joyful, O earth;
and breakforth into singing,
O mountains:
For the Lord hath comforted his people,
and will have mercy upon his

But Zion Said,
The Lord hath forsaken me,
My Lord hath forgotten me.

Can a woman forget her sucking child,
that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb?
they may forget, yet will I not forget thee

I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands;
thy walls are continually before me."

Isaiah 49:13-16