Monday, December 15, 2008


"Faithful is He who Called you; who also will do it."

Friday, November 21, 2008


"Trust Me, My child," He says.

"Trust Me with a fuller abandon than you ever have before.

Trust Me, as minute succeeds minutes, everyday of your life,

for as long as you live.

And if you become concious of anything hindering our relationship,

do not hurt Me by turning away from Me.

Draw all the closer to Me, come, run to me!

Allow Me to hide you, to protect you, even from yourself.

Tell Me your deepest cares, your every trouble.

Trust Me to keep My hand upon you

I will never leave you.

I will shape you, Mold you, and perfect you.

Do not fear, O Child of my love
do not fear.
I love you!"
Amy Charmicheal

Monday, November 17, 2008

Will We Keep Silent?

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for theselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy."
Proverds 31:8-9

Child trafficking! How awful!

How awful...

is that enough? To just say ..."how awful!"..and go back...

to our comfortable home...

our safe families...

our nice neighborhoods?



Wake up!!!!!

There are great evils in our world!

Great Needs!

And a great all sufficient God who is able and willing!

Don't bury your Carolyn McCulley Post...and ask God what you should do....

Monday, November 10, 2008

Quote of the Week

"God creates out of nothing.
Therefore until a man is nothing,
God can make nothing out of Him"
Martin Luther


This quote is from Nancy Leigh Demoss's book "Surrender"

For a Christian, waving the white flag doesn't mean,
I give up!
It means
Victory at last!

Sowing and Reaping Revised

Ok! Ok! So, now I'll do this so that EVERYONE can read it...and no one will...right?!

Sowing and reaping?

...without tears?


...without work...

transparent humility.

Lord God! Dearest Father! May the roof that keeps me from being open, honest and broken before you come off. But not only that...May the walls come down that keep me from being open, honest, and broken before others! May everything be stripped away...any high thing brought down...and may only Your glory remain!

In the biblical economy, the way up, is down. Yet so often I strive and struggle to exult myself!

I've been reading Nancy Leigh DeMoss's excellent book "Brokenness". I can not recommend it highly enough!

I can not being to express everything that I have been learning. I praise God for His faithfulness in continually drawing us deeper into Himself!

Jesus accused the pharisee's with these words from Matthew 15

"These people draw near to me with their mouths,
and honor Me with their lips,
But Their heart is far from Me
And in vain they worship Me."

What was the heart of these men's problem? Was it that they were sinners?

I would think not, as Jesus ate with the harlots and publicans.

What was the heart of their problem? Could it be...

their pride...


Pride that kept them from coming forward and saying....Its me! Me God! I'm a sinner!

Arrogance that kept them admitting their helplessness and utter dependence on God.

PRIDE and arrogance that kept ME from being broken....

and transparent!

And yet, in God's economy, only the broken heart can be the healed heart. The contrite spirit is the one NOT despised. The lowly find the high way. The weak find the strength. The transparent find the reality. As the fakery comes off and the chisel can begin shaping the reality to reflect His glory!

James 4:8-10 pretty much hits the nail on the head.

As Nancy so well said, "We want to lift ourselves up. He says, "No, humble yourself, and I will lift you up."

So what does brokenness have to do with sowing and reaping?t says that those who sow in tears will reap with joy.

Could these be tears of brokenness? Hardship? Pain? Sorrow?

What are you sowing? Humility? Pride? Selfishness?

The words from Gala 6:7 struck me through my heart.

"...whatever one sows, that will he also reap..."

Carolyn McCulley says, "Every action and thought is dipping into one bag of seed or another -all of which will one day produce an inevitable harvest."

Boy! The battle for the mind! That is huge. at least for me! Oh! How often do I dwell on vain imagination! Seeds of vain imaginations only produce vain, empty, valueless, nothingness!

But OH! OH!

How I long to be real!
And think on what is real!
And live in what is real!

And sow REAL the reality of the Kingdom of heaven and in my life and the lives around me!

God! Make me real! Make me humble! Make me...full yours, heart, soul, AND mind!


Friday, October 31, 2008

A Woman of Noble Character

Ok...So my quote for today is not even on my blog! But I loved this one and feel like I should point you to this very excellent blog! Enjoy!

Match Made in Heaven

Faithful in Loss

Well, I'm just about finished with Faithful Women and Their Extraordinary God.

One more section left. It's titled...

Faithful in Loss

Each of the Women I've read about thus far have been an inspirational challenge to me.

Faithful in the Mundane

Faithful in Weakness

Faithful in Humility

Faithful in Suffering

I'm so overwhelmed by their examples, that, for now, I can read no further. I'm just pondering. Applying. Looking.

And now...

Faithful in Loss

While I have not read the woman in the book's story yet, I was recently acquainted with a very human example of the faithfulness of one woman and her family in the midst of great suffering and loss. I hope that you are as struck, sober, and challenged as I was.

The Audrey Caroline Story

Monday, October 27, 2008


All you who are weary and burdened
Come to me
Find rest for your souls

Take my yoke...
learn from my gentle humble heart
and find the rest for your souls!

working with me is easy and light!

and as I have found
a joy filled surrender of perfect peace
and rest!

A Melissa Paraphrase of Matthew 11:28-29 with an ending thought

A Quote Revisited

"...unable to bear the sight of a congregation of a thousand or more Christian people rejoicing in their own security, while millions were perishing.......
the Lord conquered my unbelief, and I surrendered myself to God for this service. I told Him that all the responsibility as to issues and consequences must rest with Him; that s His servant, it was mine to follow Him - His, to direct, to care for, and to guide me and those who labor with me."
Hudson Taylor

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Well, I have to say I am absolutely exhausted and not sure how clear any of this will be!


Quiet is not my thing!!!


OH...Yeah, you already knew that, huh?!

Alright! Alright! All kidding and joking aside, I love to talk! I love to hear myself talk! Yeah, I even think I'm something special. And your right on to think...What a jerk!

Not a very pleasant thing to discover about ones self, but like it says in Hebrew 12, discipline may not be pleasant, but a loving Father faithfully prunes away what is dead to bring forth the vibrant life of righteousness! That is something to get excited about!

OK. OK. What does any of this have to do with the title "Ordinary"? I don't know...I was just talking!

No, seriously, I've been so blessed to be reading the blogs posted on the right one of which belongs to Noel Piper. I've been reading her book "Faithful Women and their Extraordinary God".

In the introduction Mrs. Piper explained that she originally planned to the the book "Ordinary Women and their Extraordinary God". That is until a husband complained that he could never give his wife something that insinuated that she was only ordinary!

But I agree with Mrs Piper when she says there is something extremely comforting in knowing that God uses ordinary people to accomplish His extraordinary tasks!

She quotes Jim Elliot as saying "Missionaries are very human folks just trying doing what they're asked. Simply a bunch of nobodies trying to exalt Somebody."

And as Mrs. Piper points out, each of the women in her book was an ordinary woman. But these women "...had an extraordinary God who enabled them to do extraordinary things. And He is the same today for us. "Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8)"

He is the same today....The same God who can take my weakness, frailty, and inability, and work through it for His Ultimate glory!

Oh praise Him!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Quote Revisited

"The plea of destitution is even stronger than that of opportunity.
Opportunism is not the last word in Missions. The open door beckons;
the closed door challenges him who has a right to enter."

Samuel Zwemer

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Hard Questions

Am I ready to give up die to selfish even die to this physical life, if need be....

Am I ready to die for the sake of the cross? To count the cost of bearing the cross...the one that God has willed and planned for me? Am I willing?

It's hard to say that I am willing to die. I want to live! Death seems scary.

I'm no saint. Things scare me. Being alone. Being in pain. Suffering. Fighting. Guns. Dogs. Being unliked...rejected....Loosing someone I love....


And yet...when we are called to follow our Master, we are asked to count the leave everything we hold dear...everything that is valuable to us. To be willing for whatever our faithfulness might bring.

Have you ever read in Hebrews 11 about the great men (and women!) of the faith. Abraham! Moses! Sarah! They all won great victories.

Ever read to the end....those who were counted faithful in death. Burned at the stake....sawn in sunder...suffering...dieing!

But counted faithful and entered into the hall of the ONE who was FAITHFUL even in their death. The ONE who was VICTORIOUS even in their death!

Oh Friends! Loved ones! Its a high calling this life of faith. Are you willing? Are you ready?

He is faithful and victorious no matter my next post will expound on...He is not looking for extraordinary ability. Only ordinary people willing to trust in an Extraordinary God that His extraordinary purposes might be seen within our frail lives.

Please do not waste your lives living for vain and trivial pursuits! Please don't live for the moment only to regret it in eternity! There is only one thing of true value and worth. It will take dieing to have it...but oh! it is so worth it! It truly is the pearl of great price! Jesus Christ and His Eternal Kingdom!

Friday, October 3, 2008

He's Alive!

He's alive guys!

Really! Truly Alive! Living! Breathing! Victorious!

Friends, do you know this?

NO! I don't mean just mentally you know in your heart of hearts...the it alive to you that ....HE IS ALIVE!

Come on church! Shouldn't we be excited about this? Shouldn't we be passionate about this? Or hearts should just be overflowing with rejoicing! Our Savior! Our Lover! Our Master! is living!!!

Go now quickly to the the garden with Mary Magdalene, she who had just a few nights before washed of the feet her master with her tears and aromatic perfume!

See where they laid Him! Weep for the loss of Him who had your whole heart - all your love!!!!

And then the heart break suddenly exploding into joy so full ...your heart hurts even more!



HE'S ALIVE Saints!!!!

Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him!

Lift up your voice! Cry aloud! Our God's Alive!


Monday, September 22, 2008

Expressions of the Heart

It's been so longs since I have posted.

How to express what is in my heart! How to say all the things that could be said!

God is so worthy of all the praise I can give Him! He doesn't always provide tangible answers....sometimes He asks us to walk in faith.

Speaking of walking by faith...I've been reading about the listening prayer.

How many of us come to God with our desires..our wills and dictate to God what should be done?! Is it right? I'm really asking that. What do you guys think?

I'm not saying there is not a place for petionary prayer, but right now the concept of the listening prayer really has gotten my heart.

What if we used pray to truly just come before God and listen. Find out what it is that He is desiring to have accomplished. Bringing our questions to Him and then WAITING for an answer...QUIETLY!!!

ok...maybe that is not as hard for you as it is for me. Now here is the sacry part....what is we brought and issue to God and asked for His wisdom and direction in it and BEFORE we had the answer committed to obedience to whatever He showed us to do.

You don't think that is sacry? Try it. I think you might find, as I did, that we like to choose obedience after we here weather we like the answer more then we know.

This is totally stretching...and I love it!

Have lots more to say but sahll wrap it up for tonight!

Luv ya all!

Friday, March 7, 2008

A Prayer

I normally wouldn't do this, but my heart was so stirred yesterday, and I want to post as take a public stand.

Oh God! May we weep! Oh God! You know my need! Lead me! May there be a mighty moving of the peoples to You. May your name be famous among them! May strong holds be broken down. I love you! 3-06-08

Why?! Why?! Why?!

Read prayerfully.....

"There is a living God.
He has spoken His word.
He means just what He says, and will do all that He promised."
Hudson Taylor

"...the coming of the Lord was the great hope of His people, and was always the strongest motive for consecration and service, and as the greatest comfort in trial and was their privilege for day to day, and from hour to hour to live as men who wait for the Lord..."
Hudson Taylor

"...unable to bear the sight of a congregation of a thousand or more Christian people rejoicing in their own security, while millions were perishing.......
the Lord conquered my unbelief, and I surrendered myself to God for this service. I told Him that all the responsibility as to issues and consequences must rest with Him; that s His servant, it was mine to follow Him - His, to direct, to care for, and to guide me and those who labor with me."
Hudson Taylor

"It is a solemn and most momentous truth that our every act in this present life - and our every omission too - has direct and important bearing both on our own future welfare, and on that of others. And as believers it behoves us to do whatsoever we do in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. "
Hudson Taylor

"The Legitimate fruit will undoubtedly be - not vain words of empty sympathy, but effectual fervent prayer and strenuous self-denying effort for the salvation of the benighted Chinese (Peoples)."
Hudson Taylor except ()

Oh God! Oh God! That our hearts would be touched and stirred by You!

Pr 24:11-12
"If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death,
and those ready to be slain;
If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not;
Doth not He that pondereth the heart consider?
And He that Keepeth thy soul, doth not He know it?
And shall not He render to every moan according to his works?"

Church! WHY aren't we WEEPING!

Quotes from Perspectives Lesson 8

"Expect great things from God. Attempt great thigs for God."
William Carey

"Our willingness to sacrifice for an enterprise is always in proportion to our faith in that enterprise.

Faith has the genius of transforming the barely possible into actuality"
Samuel Zwemer

"He that believes in Christ does what he can not do, attemps the impossible and performs it"
Samuel Zwemer

"Our only concern should be to keep the fight aggressive and to win victory regardless of cost or sacrfice"
Samuel Zwemer

"The calculating instinct is death to faith"
Charles H. Brent

"The plea of detitution is even stronger than that of opportunity. Opportunism is not the last word in Missions. The open doorbeckons; the closed door challenges him who has a right to enter."
Samuel Zwemer

Friday, February 29, 2008

Do I love His Coming?

I think we would all say we love God

Maybe if we were perfectly honest we would admit that we fall short of loving Him with all our strength, heart, soul, an mind...well, at least some of the time.

I recently had my love for God challenged in a whole new way. At least it was new for me.

Many of you are familiar with David Wilkerson. I had the opportunity to read His most recent News letter. It really got me to thinking and most of what I share here (quote and scriptures) is a result of that letter. Read it if you can.

We all know that Christ is coming again. We are living in an age of mercy in which the earth and the peoples in it are not getting what they deserve. We all so no that there is a promise of Christ return and the judgement that will then ensue. The evil doers will finally "get what they deserve".

May I ask a personal question? How do you feel when people start talking about Christ return?

I'll be honest. I think...Oh, not yet! There is still so much here that I want to experience...or accomplish!

Or is it truly that this quote is more me then I wish...

"Life is good for most people, including Christians, and the focus is on how to keep the good times rolling on. Like Lot's wife, many are supposed by their possessions. they have become addicted to the things of this world, and in their minds Jesus' coming would be disruptive." (emphasis mine)

Is the thought of Jesus coming again disruptive to me and my desires?!

Am I forgetting and neglecting the passage in scripture that say we should be waiting, watching longing for His return!

I'm not talking about a doom and gloom preoccupation with Christ return.

I'm talking about a living, zealous desire to be ready and found faithful at the return of Christ! To be actively working and being vigilant stewards of the blessing He has given us to faithful accomplish the task He's given us to steward. Read Matthew 24:42-47

1Peter 3:11-14 encourages us "Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation in godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace without spot, and blameless"

Looking and hastening? How can we hasten? (One answer is in Matt 24:14) Do we want to hasten? Or are the things of this world more attractive to us then what God has for us? Do we love the world more then we love God? More then we love His return?

The second coming will happen, whether we want it to or not. Jesus asked in Luke 18:8 if He would find faith on the earth when He returned.

It will happen as the world continues to operate as if it were any other ordinary day just like in the days of Noah. (Luke 17-28-30)

Church! Beloved of God! Let's be faithful! Let's be working to hasten His return! Yes, much of our life will be ordinary as we occupy and tarry till He comes, being faithful stewards, but in our hearts lets be those who love His coming!

"Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all t hem also that love His appearing" 2 Timothy 4:8

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Praising God

The fastest way to kill a heart of praise:

Hold a grudge