Friday, March 7, 2008

Quotes from Perspectives Lesson 8

"Expect great things from God. Attempt great thigs for God."
William Carey

"Our willingness to sacrifice for an enterprise is always in proportion to our faith in that enterprise.

Faith has the genius of transforming the barely possible into actuality"
Samuel Zwemer

"He that believes in Christ does what he can not do, attemps the impossible and performs it"
Samuel Zwemer

"Our only concern should be to keep the fight aggressive and to win victory regardless of cost or sacrfice"
Samuel Zwemer

"The calculating instinct is death to faith"
Charles H. Brent

"The plea of detitution is even stronger than that of opportunity. Opportunism is not the last word in Missions. The open doorbeckons; the closed door challenges him who has a right to enter."
Samuel Zwemer

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