Monday, September 22, 2008

Expressions of the Heart

It's been so longs since I have posted.

How to express what is in my heart! How to say all the things that could be said!

God is so worthy of all the praise I can give Him! He doesn't always provide tangible answers....sometimes He asks us to walk in faith.

Speaking of walking by faith...I've been reading about the listening prayer.

How many of us come to God with our desires..our wills and dictate to God what should be done?! Is it right? I'm really asking that. What do you guys think?

I'm not saying there is not a place for petionary prayer, but right now the concept of the listening prayer really has gotten my heart.

What if we used pray to truly just come before God and listen. Find out what it is that He is desiring to have accomplished. Bringing our questions to Him and then WAITING for an answer...QUIETLY!!!

ok...maybe that is not as hard for you as it is for me. Now here is the sacry part....what is we brought and issue to God and asked for His wisdom and direction in it and BEFORE we had the answer committed to obedience to whatever He showed us to do.

You don't think that is sacry? Try it. I think you might find, as I did, that we like to choose obedience after we here weather we like the answer more then we know.

This is totally stretching...and I love it!

Have lots more to say but sahll wrap it up for tonight!

Luv ya all!

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